Friday, February 18, 2011

film: The Cove

Just watched The Cove, a powerful documentary about the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan.

Comprehensive note will come during the February post, but a few points that came to mind, mostly as a response to my parents that turned into a general rant against a small percentage of the population:
  1. The first thing you say when you watch a film like this should not be, at least in my opinion, the sentence, "There are worse things happening in the world." The people watching this will most likely know there are terrible things happening in the world. "Better" and "worse" are relative terms. If someone wants to cry over the senseless slaughter of dolphins, then that also has nothing to do with you or the fact that you believe worse things are happening in the world.

  2. There's no such thing as a "better" cause to be passionate about. It is all relative. One of my pet peeves is when people say shit like, "Why do you care so much about (this)? What about (that)?" I care about (this) because I care about (this), okay. If you think (that) is that much a more noble, better cause to fight for, then FIGHT FOR (THAT) YOUR FUCKING SELF. Go out and find organizations that share your thoughts about (that). If there isn't one, fucking make one. There are +6 billion people around the world, chances are SOMEONE CARES ABOUT (THAT) TOO. Stop shitting on other people's efforts to make the world a better place in their own way by implying/saying outright that there are better things to spend their time, energy and money on.

  3. I don't give a shit if it's a philosophical question, don't ask me something like "So if you had a dolphin and a person before you and you had to kill one of the two, you'd kill the human?"



    Number three, DERAILING! The discussion is about dolphins and how to save them, not fucking KILLING PEOPLE INSTEAD OF DOLPHINS.

    Number four, it would truly, truly depend on the situation. 99% of the time yeah, I'd save the person, but what if it's fucking Hitler? Do you think that's an absurd proposition? Well, your question was ridiculous, okay, it was fucking absurd. Most probably I will never face such a clear-cut decision in which I do not need to consider history, and I'd rather not spend time considering what I'd do in such a situation. I think dolphins are important animals, I think the slaughter is senseless and should be stopped, I think this film was a good one and I'm going to fucking cry over it. Does this mean I'm going to go out and kill a person to save a dolphin? NO, because I don't need to kill a person to save a dolphin. What do you accomplish by getting me to pick a human being over a dolphin? You've proved that I value the life of a human being, possibly slightly more than a dolphin's. Does that mean I think dolphins are inherently useless? No. Does that mean I think dolphins should be senselessly slaughtered for meat that no one voluntarily eats anyway? No. It just means that in the 0.0000000000000000001% chance that a situation like that ever occurs, I will choose to have the human being to be saved. CONGRATULATIONS.

Or maybe I am totally wrong and there is a "better" cause to root for. I am almost itching for someone to start a conversation about this just so I can start yelling. Terrible of me, I know.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is a good piece! i should have read this before. People's point pf view is too narrow or they are brain washing themselves as a controller.. well i don't know if make scene.. but.. from my perspective, it has to be equal . i mean the life value has to be equal.. and even if other has different opinion, let them do that and let you being you!
